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3 Reasons Offices Should Have A Printer And Copier Servicing Partner

why businesses need copy and print contract providers

Printing and copying are important enough for businesses to transcend even the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic response despite growing technology and hybrid workplaces. Well over half of all workers (59%) continued to print and copy the same amount or more while working from home. But catering to the continued need for print, already a challenge for the standard office becomes increasingly difficult for the large number of businesses moving to remote-first and hybrid formats. Here are three reasons offices should work with a reputable printer and copier servicing partner. How was print volume affected by covid

Equipment Efficiency Matters

IT and Administrative departments handling these continued print and copy difficulties have a great deal more on their hands than some may expect. They must understand each department’s copy and printing needs and work to deliver the equipment, security, and materials required. This responsibility includes managing proper equipment service schedules and ongoing maintenance.

But IT and administration are not printing experts. So while IT has a handle on security and admin has organization under control, neither department has expertise in the proper printer and copier maintenance. And it’s essential. An appropriate maintenance schedule can prevent most of the issues that lead to paper jams and mechanical failures that delay print jobs or put equipment out of commission. It also ensures consistent, high-quality printing and productivity.

Software updates and consumables like ink and toner might be in the IT and administrative wheelhouse. But what about the cleaning and lubrication of the small internal parts? Do they know how to check the rollers for wear and tear? Office printers and copiers also need regular configuration checks to calibrate them properly for maximum print performance.

As experts in the printing and copying industry, printer service businesses know the differences between the different makes and models of equipment. This knowledge includes their peculiarities as well as their required maintenance schedules. Their expertise helps them keep their clients’ printing and copying equipment in top working condition throughout its lifespan.

Increase Equipment Life

Dust is a known enemy for computers and other electrical devices. It is the same for printers and copiers. But, in addition to standard air particulates, loose toner is a similar problem for these sensitive instruments. Both dust and toner can build up in printing and copying components. The materials can short out circuits on electrical boards or get in gears and bearings, creating misalignments.

Inkjet printers do not have to deal with the added issue of loose toner. However, they have problems with ink build-up as pigment from the ink can cake onto the print heads. The compressed ink creates streaks or gaps on prints and copies, damaging production quality.

Due to the accumulation of dust, ink, and toner, both types of printers are subject to paper jams, breakdowns, electrical and mechanical problems. Continued issues can lead to more extensive machine breakdowns and decrease the longevity of the equipment. However, regular cleaning and maintenance services will remove unwanted debris deposits, reducing wear-and-tear on sensitive machinery.

Industry specialists, such as printer and copier servicing businesses, will know the dangerous areas for standard dust and other particulates to build up. They will also be able to advise appropriate countermeasures such as reliable toner and ink cartridges. The result will serve to increase the lifespan of the machines.

Upfront Costs

If something goes wrong with a printer or copier, the parts and service fees can add up fast. If the printer is owned outright, there may be a warranty to cover some of the costs. But printer and copier warranties often have loopholes that place costs right back on the equipment owner. In addition, expenditures for maintenance and repair vary widely by machine and servicing company, making the overall fees unpredictable. All of this is on top of the loss of productivity and delays caused when a printer or copier suddenly stops working.

It is precisely this type of time loss and budget variance which makes finance departments cringe at the idea of investing in standard or expanded print and copy services. Of course, these problems were already prevalent in the standard office setting. Adding additional machines in remote locations only exacerbates the issue. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult. 

Contracting with a printer and copier servicing partner reduces costs by first helping to prevent more significant repairs and emergency service calls. They do this by keeping machines properly maintenance, calibrated, and running smoothly. But the real benefit for finance is the set and negotiated pricing they can count on for regular budgeting and bookkeeping without the inconvenience of unexpected expenses.

Maintenance And Service Matter

Even the COVID-19 pandemic response couldn’t stop employees’ needs for print and copy. It is safe to assume that these services will continue to be necessary as businesses continue to decentralize their office spaces. But more a more extensive printer network does not have to mean more headaches for IT and administrative departments – especially for general printer maintenance and services. Partnering with a reputable service and maintenance company can offer better cost controls as well as greater performance and longevity for the business’s investments.

If you’re looking for other ways to save money and increase operational efficiency, read: 3 Reasons Businesses Should Lease Their Printers.


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